​威尼斯双年展 特别推荐艺术家——张子安

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张子安,字崇山,号秋石。1946 年 11 月出生。籍贯:福建晋江。毕业于中央美术学院教授,中国书画函授大学校长姚治华先生指导的山水画研究生班。现为国际美术家联合会会员,国家一级美术师,中国书画家协会理事,中国书画院研究员,中国书画家研究会会员,中国艺术研究院文研中心书画师,东方书画名家艺术研究院院士、东方神州书画院院士。北京市丰台美术家协会副主席。作品被北京中南海,韩国碑林园等收藏。

Zhang Zi'an, also known as Chongshan and Qiushi. Born in November 1946. Native place: Jinjiang, Fujian. Graduated from the graduate class of landscape painting under the guidance of Mr. Yao Zhihua, a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and president of the Correspondence University of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy. I am currently a member of the International Artists Federation, a national first-class artist, a director of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Research Association, a calligrapher and painter at the Cultural Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Arts, an academician of the Oriental Calligraphers and Painters Academy, and an academician of the Oriental Shenzhou Academy of Painting and Calligraphy. Vice Chairman of Beijing Fengtai Artists Association. The works have been collected by Beijing Zhongnanhai and Beilin Garden in South Korea.


