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郭世朋:男,六二年生于河北廊坊大城,中国共产党员,。现为央广国际文化交流艺术委员会副主席,CHlNACCTV·NEWS 签约艺术家,中央国家机关书法家协会会员,央媒文化艺术顾问,博鳌亚洲艺术人才研究中心研究员、副秘书长,世界非物质文化遗产研究院特邀院士,中国楹联学会会员,中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会委员、特聘书画家。中国当代艺坛黄金画代表人物。中宣盛世国际书画院会员,香港中国书法家协会荣誉主席,中华卫视艺术风采栏目艺术会员,国际名人百科文艺组委会委员。2024 年 7 月被骋为国际名人百科主席一职。


2020 被国际名人百科文艺组委会力荐荣获“2020 中国当代优秀人民艺术家”称号。

2020 年国际中国公益事业大典“我和我的祖国”活动中被中宣部领导授予“2019 年度国际中国最具影响力书画名家”荣誉称号。

2020 年在中国世纪大采风二十周年庆典与电视年度人物颁奖盛典中被授予“中国当代德艺双馨艺术家”荣誉称号,同年被授予工匠精神艺术界榜样人物荣誉称号。2020 年9 月特别制作当代最具投资价值书画名家——郭世朋专题纪录片。

2020 年 11 月被国际名人百科文艺组委会特别授予“大国建交 中法首席外交官”荣誉称号。

2020 年荣登环球视窗、国际教育信息、朝闻天下、环球日报、中国网、中华网、访谈网、中国广播电视网、中国收藏盛典、欧洲网、国际时报、亚泰网、环球收藏等多家主流媒体进行报道。

2021 年授予:“激荡百年·领航中国百名功勋人物”荣誉勋章。

2021 年 5 月:成功入选文化中国主题巡展庆祝中国共产党成立 100 周年“百年奋斗路 启航新征程”系列宣传活动,做为优秀艺术家代表亮相北京地铁线路穿越长安街向新时代致敬。


2021 年 11 月作品入编由中国科学文献出版社出版发行《中国书画范例》。

2021 年代表作品被选送参加“文化中国主题巡展”于北京一号线主题巡展专列展出。

2021 年艺术作品及事迹入选“百城百家颂百年”全网报道。

2022 年优秀作品被选送致敬冬奥会并被央视授予“中华骄子 共向未来”致敬冬奥荣誉奖牌。

2021 年优秀事迹被国家特别授予“时代楷模——笔尖下的中国”荣誉称号。

2022 年《中华英才》半月刊社以《是丰碑也是新的起点》人物风采进行报道。


自 2021 年至 2023 年相继入编了《百年风云·党耀中华》——新时代中华好儿女。《中华非遗传承人物年鉴》《金砖艺术家》《文化视界》二十大专刊。《盛世典藏·国际名家》《东方艺术大境》《新时代民族艺术楷模》《中外艺术》当代重点推荐艺术名家作品集。《中国艺术名家》2023 纪念伟大领袖毛主席诞辰 130 周年中国艺术名家优秀艺术作品珍藏集。《中国书法史》近现代卷,《走向世界的国礼艺术家》丶《世界国宝级艺术名师收藏大典》等大型刊物。

2023 年结业于《中国文化和旅游管理干部学院》高级文学创作师培训班。







书艺爽朗 风骨奇绝








2024 年 5 月于览艺斋


Guo Shipeng: Male, born in 1962 in Dacheng, Langfang,Hebei. He is a member of the Communist Party of China,.I am currently the Vice Chairman of the InternationalCultural Exchange and Art Committee of China NationalRadio, a contracted artist of CHlNACCTV · NEWS, amember of the Calligraphers Association of CentralState Organs, a cultural and artistic consultant ofCentral Media, a researcher and Deputy SecretaryGeneral of the Boao Asian Art Talent Research Center,a specially invited academician of the World IntangibleCultural Heritage Research Institute, a member of theChinese Couplet Association, a member of the NewLiterature and Painting Group Calligraphers WorkingCommittee of the Chinese Calligraphers and PaintersAssociation, and a specially appointed calligrapherand painter. Representative figure of golden paintingin contemporary Chinese art. Member of ZhongxuanShengshi International Calligraphy and PaintingAcademy, Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong ChineseCalligraphers Association, Art Member of ChinaTelevision's Art Style Program, and Member of theInternational Celebrity Encyclopedia Literature andArt Organizing Committee. In July 2024, he wasappointed as the Chairman of the InternationalCelebrity Encyclopedia.

In August 2019, it was featured on the front pageheadline of the People's Artist Guide by ChinaInternational News Magazine.

In 2020, he was recommended by the InternationalCelebrity Encyclopedia Literature and Art OrganizingCommittee and awarded the title of "2020 ChineseContemporary Excellent People'sArtist".


In the "Me and My Motherland" event of the 2020International Chinese Public Welfare Ceremony, he wasawarded the honorary title of "2019 Most InfluentialChinese Calligraphers and Painters" by the leadershipof the Central Propaganda Department.

In 2020, he was awarded the honorary title of"Contemporary Chinese Artist with Both Virtue and Art"at the 20th anniversary celebration of China's CenturyGreat Culture and the TV Annual Person Award Ceremony,

In the same year, he was awarded the honorary titleof exemplary figure in the artisan spirit and art world.In September 2020, a special documentary on Guo Shipeng,the most valuable contemporary calligrapher andpainter, was produced.

In November 2020, he was specially awarded thehonorary title of "Chief Diplomat of China FranceDiplomatic Relations" by the International CelebrityEncyclopedia Literature and Art Organizing Committee.

In 2020, it was featured in multiple mainstream mediaoutlets such as Global Window, International EducationInformation, Chaowen Tianxia, Global Daily, China.com,China.com, Interview Network, China Radio andTelevision Network, China Collection Ceremony,European Network, International Times, Yatai Network,and Global Collection.

In 2021, awarded the honorary medal of "LeadingChina's 100 Meritorious Figures for a Century ofTurbulence".

May 2021: It was successfully selected into thecultural China theme tour to celebrate the 100thanniversary of the founding of the CPC and the seriesof publicity activities of "a hundred years of struggleand a new journey". As a representative of outstandingartists, it appeared on the Beijing subway line to crossChang'an Street to pay tribute to the new era.

In September 2021, he was awarded the World ClassIntangible Cultural Heritage Promotion Figure HonorAward by the International Celebrity Encyclopedia.

In November 2021, the work was included in thecompilation of "Examples of Chinese Painting andCalligraphy" published and distributed by ChinaScientific Literature Press.

The representative works of 2021 were selected toparticipate in the "Cultural China Theme Exhibition"and exhibited on the Beijing Line 1 Theme ExhibitionSpecial Train.

In 2021, art works and deeds were selected for the"Hundred Cities, Hundred Families, Singing for aHundred Years" online report.

In 2022, outstanding works were selected to paytribute to the Winter Olympics and awarded the "ChinesePride Together Towards the Future" Winter OlympicsHonor Medal by CCTV.

In 2021, the outstanding deeds were speciallyawarded the honorary title of "Model of the Times -China Under the Pen" by the state.

In 2022, the bi monthly publication of "ChineseTalents" reported on the character style of "A Monumentand a New Starting Point".


In the same year, the outstanding deeds were selectedfor the personal documentary recording of CCTV's"Chinese Cultural Figures" program, and the work waspersonally interpreted by CCTV host Liu Xiaowei.

From 2021 to 2023, it was successively included inthe compilation of "Century of Storm and Clouds: TheParty Shines in China" - "Good Sons and Daughters ofChina in the New Era". The 20th special issue of"Yearbook of Chinese Intangible Cultural HeritageInheritance Figures", "BRICS Artists", and "CulturalVision". Contemporary key recommended art collectionsinclude "Shengshi Collection: International Masters","Oriental Art Landscape", "New Era National Art Models",and "Chinese and Foreign Art". Chinese Art Masters"2023 Commemorating the 130th Anniversary of the Birthof the Great Leader Mao Zedong: A Collection ofExcellent Artworks by Chinese Art Masters. Largepublications such as "History of Chinese Calligraphy"in modern times, "National Gift Artists Going Global",and "Collection Ceremony of World National Treasurelevel Art Masters".

I will graduate from the advanced literary creationtraining course of the Chinese Culture and TourismManagement Cadre College in 2023.

Expert review:

The narrow definition of calligraphy's' method 'hastechnical attributes. Mastering this techniquerequires a process of practice making perfect. As longas you put in the effort to practice, success isinevitable. The general method of calligraphy belongsto culture. Only when calligraphy has culturalexpression and inheritance value, can it havecomprehensive calligraphy creation ability.

Calligraphy only follows the technical school,calligraphers. If calligraphy takes the path of culture,it is wise and capable! The calligraphy of Mr. GuoShipeng, a renowned contemporary calligrapher, can benarrowly defined as skillful and impeccable intechnique. From the perspective of calligraphy culture,there is an elegant and beautiful style of literaticalligraphy, with a balance of hardness and softness,and a combination of reality and virtuality.

Calligraphy, due to its cultural charm, has beenelevated to the level of calligraphy. Therefore, hiscalligraphy breaks free from the limitations ofcraftsmen and has become a virtuous and capable personin promoting calligraphy culture!


Learning calligraphy may seem simple, but in reality,the world of calligraphy is vast. The sun and moon arelong in the brush, and writing requires externalpractice of brushstrokes and internal cultivation. Itrequires extensive knowledge of literature, poetry,book history, book theory, and other fields to make upfor theoretical deficiencies. In today's society, GuoShipeng disregards fame and fortune, enduresloneliness, and regards writing as a tool forself-cultivation. He feels the meaning of life in theocean of art and experiences the pleasure of writingin tranquility. In the continuous process of copyingand learning, I have regarded writing as a part of mylife, devoted myself to art, and worked tirelessly dayafter day, drawing my brush by the pond and plowing theinkstone fields. Practicing three nines in winter andthree fu in summer, I never slack off and havecompletely entered the realm of forgetting both thingsand myself. Thoroughly cruising in the ocean ofcalligraphy art, exploring, thinking, constantlyimproving through comparison, and achievingsublimation through improvement. It can be said thatcalligraphy art has become a part of his life, anindispensable necessity that accompanies him like ashadow.

Now it seems that Guo Shipeng's calligraphy not onlyhas technical skills, but also has a pleasing culturalinfluence on the public. The calligraphy style that isappreciated by both the refined and the popular makescalligraphy works stand high in temples, have greatcollection value, can also please the hearts of thepeople, and have a cultural popularization effect thatcan be praised and praised! In terms of calligraphicform, Guo Shipeng is an all-around calligrapher whoexcels in all kinds of calligraphy and has a wide rangeof knowledge and skills. The ink runs smoothly,capturing both its form and its essence without anyroughness! This freely flowing calligraphy experienceis the result of honing and also the blessing of theextraordinary calligraphic talent! If there were onlyhoning without the nourishment of a bookish superhero,one could write about excellence, but not necessarilythe new brilliance of writing about self-reliance likehim!

Calligraphy is not only the result of one's technicalcultivation, but also a comprehensive reflection ofone's knowledge, broad mindedness, aspirations, andmoral character. Guo Shipeng's calligraphy will bedeeply impressed by the skillful brushstrokes and theprofound knowledge and refinement reflected in them.His calligraphy has spirit, grace, unique charm, andexquisite movements. He uses his brush and ink toexpress his emotions, closely combining artisticlearning with brush and ink techniques. With a literarystyle and deep emotions, he has achieved great success!Guo Shipeng's influence in the world of calligraphy isthe result of his divination pen and also the resultof his cultural cultivation! Everyone writescalligraphy, everyone is like this! (Text/LearningOde)

The calligraphy is refreshing, the style is unique,and the character is extraordinary

——Famous calligrapher Guo Shipeng

Throughout the history of calligraphy masters, thereis no one who is not an elegant person who combineselegance and learning. And Mr. Guo Shipeng, acalligrapher, is a master of calligraphy and ink in thecurrent era. As a cornerstone in today's calligraphyworld, the brilliance of Mr.'s calligraphy is beyonddoubt. However, compared to Mr. himself, hispersonality is very stable, and it is precisely becauseof this temperament that Mr.'s calligraphy maintainsthe principle of not seeking strangeness.

Mr. Xi studied calligraphy, and all of his works werebased on ancient methods, with inscriptions as the wayof learning. He drew inspiration from famous scholarsand contemporary trends, covering a wide range oftopics and integrating them seamlessly. AppreciatingMr. Pin's cursive script, his works are called "ShangJin Jian Qi", which means handsome, cheerful, andextraordinary in form and meaning. The overall artworkis rich and powerful in brushwork, with a flying whiteand instant momentum, covered in paper and grass, andfull of wind and clouds. The brush and ink are galloping,and the air flows like a rainbow. And this highlyimposing and powerful visual beauty can strike theviewer's mind at the first sight. With a steady heart,such a sharp contrast is precisely the essence of Hanmoart.


The Zen mind pen rotates in stillness. In terms ofbrushwork, the master has his own unique charm, usinga full stroke technique to convey the meaning of thepen, with a balance of sharpness, hardness, andsoftness, showcasing a relaxed and free spirited style.As the saying goes, the pen is born of the heart, andthe refined spirit that arises from the convergence ofthe heart at the tip of the brush is also admirable.The lines in the painting can be divided into light anheavy ones, as well as the average of thickness. Inaddition, the balance of ink method is more appropriate.When the ink is thick, it is like a stone falling fromMount Taishan. It is natural and goes deep. When theink is light, it is like a thirsty horse rushing to aspring, with a graceful and refreshing posture,especially a radiant expression. As the saying goes,it exposes its sharpness while retaining its essence.A master's book is renowned in the literary world forits beauty in composition and style.

Observing its phenomena, it is seamlessly integrated,with every character exhibiting proper pitch and tilt,and looking at it like a sigh. Time is like a beast ora bird, aiming to fly, and time is like a cunning rabbit,ready to run away. The strategy of balancing white andblack in one's work follows the principles of Tai ChiYin Yang. From a subtle perspective, the lines andcolumns can be adjusted freely, the stretching isregulated, the macro perspective is observed, and thereis a balance between the overall width and the deviation.The postscript adds the finishing touch. Book theoryhas had its own discourse since ancient times. XiangMu from the Ming Dynasty once said in his "CalligraphyElegant Words" that it is called "correct calligraphy,so correct the human heart, so leisurely and holy. Fromthis, it can be seen that calligraphy has a high demandfor character.

Looking at Mr. Guo Shipeng's calligraphy today, itis said that it is deeply rooted in his good characterand virtue that he can create such exquisitecalligraphy. His books can show literary style in asparse and light manner, and also show detachment inan elegant and graceful manner, with a sense of madnessbut not impatience, and a sense of madness but notsmoothness. It is truly refined and elegant. Thecalligraphy is refreshing and the style isextraordinary. Using style and elegance as the brush,using vigorous and elegant ink, the strokes areconnected, and the meaning and rhyme are addedtogether.

Mr. Guo Shipeng is not only able to appreciate thetraditional charm in calligraphy, but also able topresent cursive script with an artistic appearance thatbelongs to the current era. And whether in terms ofsimple techniques or rich spiritual aspects, heembodies the perfect literary spirit and demeanor.Authentic cultural context and the style of a renownedartist.

Famous calligraphy and painting art critic: Shi Feng

May 2024 at Lanyi Studio


