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作为央广文旅国际发展中心副理事长、欧洲艺术协会特约艺术家、国艺委书画艺术博物馆名誉馆长、亚洲书画界十大新闻人物、2024 年福布斯中国十大名人、中国东方文化研究会社会艺术专业委员会高级艺术顾问、世界非物质文化遗产研究院副院长和特聘研究员、国艺委书画艺术博物馆名誉馆長、欧洲艺术协会特约艺术家丶世界十大艺术新闻人物、首席外交文艺家、中国甲骨文书法学会常务理事和非遗“中国书法传承师”等职务的许金美,不仅在国内享有盛誉,在国际上也备受瞩目。他多次参加国内外书画大展赛,荣获特等奖、金奖 32 项,其中包括国际金奖 2 项,全国特等奖、金奖 30 项,充分证明了他的艺术实力和影响力。

许金美在甲骨文书法领域的成就尤为突出。他撰写的《怎样写甲骨文》和甲骨文《毛泽东诗词全集》不仅由中国美术出版社出版,还于 2017 年 7 月入编世界非物质文化遗产名录。他创作的《甲骨文三字经、千字文、弟子规、增广贤文》长卷近 120 米,以及正在创作的甲骨文《老子道德经》长卷 80 米,都是甲骨文书法领域的鸿篇巨制,令人震撼。他的《甲骨文基本笔画、间架结构、偏旁部首合集》和《甲骨文百家姓大典》约 70 多万字也即将出版,这些作品无疑将为中国甲骨文书法的研究和传承作出重要贡献。

许金美的书画作品均为孤品,深受国内外单位和收藏家的喜爱。他的作品被联合国教科文组织、安阳殷墟博物馆、江西舒同博物馆、日本东京画院等 30 多个单位和收藏家、企业家收藏。今年 8 月,他创作的《中华甲骨文百家姓》三百个姓氏更是由国宝档案收存,这进一步彰显了他在甲骨文书法领域的卓越成就。




Xu Jinmei: a shining star in the field of Chineseoracle bone script calligraphy

Xu Jinmei, an outstanding artist from Putian, Fujian,China, has become a shining star in contemporaryChinese cultural circles with her profound foundationin traditional Chinese culture, outstanding academicachievements, and unique artistic style. He is not onlya sinologist, scholar, and poet, but also acalligrapher, painter, and critic of poetry,calligraphy, and painting. With his versatile talents,he has left a profound impression in the field ofculture and art.

Xu Jinmei, who holds various positions such as ViceChairman of the CGTN International Development Center,Special Artist of the European Art Association,Honorary Director of the Calligraphy and Painting ArtMuseum of the National Arts Council, Top 10 News Figuresin the Asian Calligraphy and Painting Industry, ForbesChina Top 10 Celebrities in 2024, Senior Art Advisorof the Social Art Professional Committee of the ChineseOriental Culture Research Association, Vice Presidentand Special Researcher of the World Intangible CulturalHeritage Research Institute, Honorary Director of theCalligraphy and Painting Art Museum of the NationalArts Council, Special Artist of the European ArtAssociation, Top 10 Art News Figures in the World, ChiefDiplomatic Artist, Executive Director of the ChineseOracle Bone Script Calligraphy Society, and IntangibleCultural Heritage "Chinese Calligraphy Inheritor", notonly enjoys a high reputation domestically but alsoattracts attention internationally. He hasparticipated in numerous domestic and internationalcalligraphy and painting exhibitions, winning 32special and gold awards, including 2 international goldawards and 30 national special and gold awards, fullydemonstrating his artistic strength and influence.

Xu Jinmei's achievements in the field of oracle bonescript calligraphy are particularly outstanding. Hisworks "How to Write Oracle Bone Script" and "CompleteWorks of Mao Zedong's Poetry and Prose" were not onlypublished by China Art Publishing House, but alsoincluded in the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Listin July 2017. His works, including the "Three CharacterClassic of Oracle Bone Script, Thousand CharacterClassic, Disciple Rules, and Enhancing VirtuousLiterature," are nearly 120 meters long, and hisongoing creation of the "Tao Te Ching of Laozi," whichis 80 meters long, are both monumental works in thefield of oracle bone script calligraphy that are trulyawe inspiring. His collection of basic strokes,interval structures, and radical parts of oracle bonescript and the Hundred Family Surnames Encyclopedia oforacle bone script, totaling over 700000 words, arealso about to be published. These works willundoubtedly make important contributions to theresearch and inheritance of Chinese oracle bone scriptcalligraphy.

Xu Jinmei's calligraphy and painting works are allrare items, deeply loved by domestic and foreigninstitutions and collectors. His works have beencollected by more than 30 units, collectors andentrepreneurs, including UNESCO, Yin Xu in AnyangMuseum, Jiangxi Shutong Museum, and Tokyo PaintingAcademy of Japan. In August of this year, the 300surnames in his creation of "The Hundred Surnames ofChinese Oracle Bone Script" were collected andpreserved in the national treasure archives, furtherdemonstrating his outstanding achievements in thefield of oracle bone script calligraphy.

Xu Jinmei's artistic achievements and influence havenot only been widely recognized by various sectors ofsociety, but also received extensive attention fromdomestic and foreign media. Media and institutions suchas the All Media Art Center of www.chinavision.com, theChina Arts Research Association, the Chinese Academyof Fine Arts, CCTV Chaowentianxia, the CCTV Calligraphyand Painting Channel, the focus interviewers, ChinaNews Network, and the China Theme Tour OrganizingCommittee all reported on him, praising him as a"positive energy artist in China", "nationalsuperstar", "generation leader - world art leader","new era art leader", "generation master of worldculture and art", and "national art image figure".These honors and titles fully prove his outstandingposition and great contribution in the field of Chineseculture and art.

In short, Xu Jinmei has become a shining star in thefield of Chinese oracle bone script calligraphy withher outstanding talent and profound artisticattainments, making great contributions to China'scultural and artistic undertakings. His artisticachievements and influence will forever be engraved inthe long history of Chinese and world cultural arts.


八仙过海 180cmx97cm(孤品)。



神奇的九寨 180cmx97cm(孤品)。

刋登在本人出版的巜中美建交 37 周年》的纪念邮册中。


中华国宝图 138cmx69cm(孤品)。

入选本人出版发行的邮册之中,并在各种书画报纸发表 12 次。


梅兰竹菊四条屏 276cmx194cm(孤品)

入选巜中美建交 37 周年纪念邮册》。先后在书画典集发表 15 次。


动物十二生肖 138cmx69cmx12(孤品)。



虎啸风生 80cmx50cm(孤品)



鹤寿松龄,万古长青 150cmx70cm(孤品)

