聚焦——东方书画艺术瑰宝 顶级收藏投资风向标刘凤仙
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刘凤仙,中国著名艺术家。1942 年生。自幼酷爱美术,曾任多年美术教师,受黄胄大师指点,几十年如一日研习绘画理论及技法,苦练不辍,以花鸟为主,尤擅画梅与寿桃,其作品气势磅礴,清新怡人,喜庆向上,具时代气息。因诗、书、画全面发展,有“东方才女”之美誉。是位蜚声国内外的著名女画家。
刘凤仙女士,曾在四十余个艺术组织兼荣誉主席、名誉院长、荣誉馆长、副主席、院士、顾问、研究员、客座教授、公益大使,艺术使节,理事等职务。为在联合国召开的“中美品牌大会”唯一命名的知名国礼画家。她多次在国内外举办个人展览,数十次参加全国及国际性书画大展大赛,并屡获大奖,曾多次获特等奖、金奖、银奖、二等奖、优秀奖、特别荣誉奖、特殊贡献奖、功勋奖,最佳创作奖。曾获联合国组织的世界和平艺术大赛金奖,中韩两国联谊大笔会金奖,海峡两岸书画大赛金奖,毛体书法曾获特等奖,优秀奖,等一百多个奖项和荣誉。因成绩卓著,被授予“共和国艺术百杰”,“国宝级艺术家”,“影响世界的十大金牌艺术家”,“世界风向标艺术家”,“珍藏极艺术家”,“软黄金艺术家”,“当代极具收藏价值的艺术家”,“书画艺术大师”,“东方才女”,“当代书画界新领军人物”,“中国当代书画大家”,“优秀人民艺术家”等称号。作品辑入《世界名人录》、《一代名家》、《二十世纪著名书画家》、《中国书画名家教授大辞典》、《中国美术史》、《中国美术教育年鉴百年》、《共和国艺术宝鉴》、《中国九大殿堂级艺术家》、《中国当代书画大家》、《中国实力派画家》、《画梅巨匠》、《雄踞中国艺坛艺术家》、《艺坛名家》等二百余部典集与辞书。著有《刘凤仙书画艺术》、《刘凤仙画集》、《刘凤仙国画欣赏》、《书画艺术家刘凤仙献礼建党 100 周年》、 《圣儒-国画名家刘凤仙艺术画集》、《著名书画艺术家刘凤仙国画专辑》{光盘}、《中国文化名家专题邮票》、《刘凤仙诗百首》、《刘凤仙诗词歌赋、格言录》、中篇纪实小说《追梦人求学》等。其作品深受企业界、艺术界、博物院、国内外朋友及广大书画爱好者的青睐与收藏。因德艺双馨,成为深受人民欢迎和爱戴的艺术家。
Liu Fengxian, a famous Chinese artist. Born in1942. I have had a passion for art since childhoodand have served as an art teacher for many years. Under the guidance of Master Huang Zhou, I have beenstudying painting theory and techniques day by dayfor decades. I have been practicing tirelessly, focusing on flowers and birds, and particularly skilled in painting plum blossoms and longevity peaches.My works are magnificent, fresh and pleasant, festive and uplifting, with a sense of the times. Due to the comprehensive development of poetry, calligraphy, and painting, she is known as the "talented woman of the East". She is a renowned female painterboth domestically and internationally.
Ms. Liu Fengxian has held positions such as Honorary Chairman, Honorary Dean, Honorary Curator, Vice Chairman, Academician, Consultant, Researcher, Visiting Professor, Public Welfare Ambassador, Art Ambassador, and Director in over 40 art organizations. The only well-known national painter named afterthe "China US Brand Conference" held at the UnitedNations. She has held multiple personal exhibitions both domestically and internationally, participated in dozens of national and international calligraphy and painting exhibitions, and has won numerousawards, including special prizes, gold awards, silver awards, second prizes, excellence awards, special honor awards, special contribution awards, meritawards, and the best creative award. Has won over 100 awards and honors, including the gold medal in the World Peace Art Competition organized by the United Nations, the gold medal in the China Korea Friendship Association, the gold medal in the Cross Strait Calligraphy and Painting Competition, and the special prize and excellent award for Mao style calligraphy. Due to outstanding achievements, she has been awarded titles such as "Top 100 Artists of theRepublic", "National Treasure level Artist", "Top 10 Gold Medal Artists Who Influence the World", "World Leading Artist", "Collected Extreme Artist", "Soft Gold Artist", "Contemporary Artist with Great Collectibles Value", "Master of Calligraphy and Painting Art", "Oriental Talented Woman", "New Leader inContemporary Calligraphy and Painting Industry", "Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Master", "Excellent People's Artist", etc. The works have been included in more than 200 collections and dictionaries, including "World Celebrity Record", "AGeneration of Famous Painters", "Famous Calligraphers and Painters of the 20th Century", "Dictionary of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", "History ofChinese Art", "Centennial Yearbook of Chinese Art Education", "Art Treasure of the Republic", "Nine Great Hall level Artists in China", "Contemporary Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", "Chinese PowerfulPainters", "Plum Blossom Masters", "Chinese Artists Dominating the Art World", and "Famous Artists inthe Art World". He has written works such as "LiuFengxian's Painting and Calligraphy Art", "Liu Fengxian's Painting Collection", "Liu Fengxian's Appreciation of Chinese Painting", "Liu Fengxian's Gift to the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China", "Sheng Ru - Liu Fengxian's Art and Painting Collection", "Famous Painting and Calligraphy Artist Liu Fengxian's Chinese Painting Album" {CD}, "Special Stamp of Chinese Cultural Masters".