​聚焦——东方书画艺术瑰宝 顶级收藏投资风向标(王释古)

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王释古(适谷),名,飞虎(学名,王飞虎),法号,释古。生于 1961 年 7 月,安徽淮南人,毕业于淮南教育学院美术系,中央美术学院国画系。国家一级美术师,2002 年中国青年百杰画家,《CCTV 今日视界重点推荐艺术家》,当代《推向巅峰,问鼎世界》最具影响力的艺术家。《2023 年大国名家,传奇人物》,中央电视台 CCTV《华夏之声》王释古书画名家工作室,国际名人百科副主席。山水画师从中央美术学院教授,博士生导师,国画学院院长陈平老师以及中国美术学院教授,博士,国画系副主任,中国国家画院美术馆馆长何加林老师。展览遍及海内外,多幅作品及介绍文章多次发表于国家及省市级报刊杂志,多幅作品被国内外友人和艺术馆收藏。

Wang Shigu (Shigu), name, Feihu (scientific name,Wang Feihu), Dharma name, Shigu. Born in July 1961, fromHuainan, Anhui, graduated from the Fine Arts Departmentof Huainan Education College and the Chinese PaintingDepartment of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.National First Class Artist, 2002 Chinese Young Top 100Painters, "CCTV Today's Vision Key RecommendedArtists", and the most influential artist incontemporary "Pushing to the Peak, Winning the World".2023 Famous Masters and Legendary Figures of the GreatNation ", Wang Shigu Calligraphy and Painting MasterStudio of CCTV's" Voice of China ", Vice Chairman ofInternational Celebrity Encyclopedia. Landscapepainters include Professor Chen Ping, doctoralsupervisor, and dean of the School of Chinese Paintingat the Central Academy of Fine Arts, as well asProfessor He Jialin, Ph.D., deputy director of theDepartment of Chinese Painting at the China Academy ofArt, and director of the National Art Museum of China.The exhibition covers both domestic and internationalmarkets, with multiple works and introduction articlespublished multiple times in national and provincialnewspapers and magazines. Several works have beencollected by friends and art museums both domesticallyand internationally.


