2024 年法国巴黎奥运展中国艺术代表——郭谦

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2024 巴黎奥运将吸引全球 40 亿双目光成为全球重大传播中心,盛大开幕式将吸引世界各国政要、体育明星、商界大鳄、各国媒体等,齐聚巴黎。2024 法国巴黎这个艺术与体育交融成辉的国际艺术之都将吸引全球的亿万目光,它也将成为 全球的焦点,更将成为世界艺术关注的中心。

Paris 2024 Olympic Games will attract 4 billion pairs of global attentionto become a major global communication center, the grand openingceremony will attract world politicians, sports stars, business tycoons, national media and so on, gathered in Paris. 2024 Paris, France, theinternational art capital of art and sports, will attract hundreds ofmillions of eyes around the world, it will also become the focus of theworld, and it will become the center of world art attention.

全球范围内征选 100 名书画名家将其相关资料及作品,邀请相关人员组成评选小组进行审定。

Worldwide collection of 100 famous painting and calligraphy will be itsrelevant information and works, inviting relevant personnel to form aselection panel for approval.In the end. As follows(如下);

郭谦、女、1953 年生于大连。毕业于鲁迅美术学院,拜师钟质夫学习没骨小写意花鸟,(钟老原北京故宫古画研究员。他受到齐白石、黄宾虹、张大千等名家亲自授课指导)对郭谦讲解传世绘画。看到他们一生丰富的作品可想而知其艰苦与付出,也认可了自己未来征途。她必须开辟前无古人的新路"画未来美好世界”她相信自己会看到前面曙光。此时前路渺茫,中国画又是艺术上的长途赛,她只有沉下心来孜孜不倦埋头研习古今各门各派寻找出路,研习写意时中国改革开放,世界的文化涌入中国,中国画家出国展览外国人觉得抽象看不懂,我把写意融入没骨画的艳丽,符合了中外视觉形成个人传统风格。中年有幸得到了佛法学习,开始了"画未来美好世界“梦想。用黄宾虹“搜尽奇峰打草稿“的精神用来筛选当代人人身临其境有目共睹的美,古诗中有“只恐夜深花睡去,故烧高烛照红妆”的深情,当代公园人流涌动,欣赏着街道庭院花草树目置身于灯光变幻美境。在聚集人群注视的“喷泉水向高处舞,丽彩变幻美妙扬"千年一变的世界仙境美,使她“笔尖刷却世间尘,展现江山换代新”。她的夜景许多画与长卷《夜景灯光千里江山图》将飞跃发展的社会变革展现不同于任何人的新时代万里山河。

奥运会上郭谦的画受到各国人民审美视觉的特别喜爱被称赞为全球独一无二的风格。获全球各界顶级人物,艺术巅峰人物、是世界 2023 年奥艺大会艺术交流先锋艺术家,当代艺坛领军人物、福布斯中国(艺术福布斯)十大名人、当代最具投资收藏升值潜力艺术家、中国品牌艺术国家传统文化代言人、中国艺坛十大功勋人物 、走向世界的艺术大家、中华人民共和国书画艺术大家、中国画终身成就奖:艺术中的诺贝尔获奖者,中国享誉全球的艺术家,中国文化领路人。书画作品参加国内外画展和展会获奖,跨越海峡的书画情港澳台书画作品大展,欧洲巡展,国际艺术双年展,中国大型拍卖推荐艺术家,大家大作名家郭谦佳作展览等。CCTV《一带一路》中国文化走进世界,人民日报《美美与共、心心相通》视频报导,中央广播电视台《德艺双馨艺术家》中央电视台与人民日报等报导艺术评论文章,书画作品入编《一代大师》《中国艺术大家》《人民艺术家》《中国近现代名家》《艺术巨匠》《中国美术史》《大家风范》《百年巨匠》《世界艺术年鑑》《中国艺术家年鑑》《中国近现代美术年鉴》《中国书画家功勋人物》《世界美术人物志》《中国艺术收藏指南》《中国近现代名家典藏》人美大红袍合集等等书籍出版。被聘任为《名人辞典》特邀艺术家,中国名人大数据库特邀顾问。中国书画交易润格评估中心《特邀艺术评估顾问》、国家一级美术师及润格评审委员会《艺术顾问》、特邀为外事管理中心《国宾礼艺术鉴定顾问》,文化部中国企业文化促进会中小企业文化专业委员会《艺术顾问》等。为英联邦国际组织的五十三个国家的文化顾问,一带一路文化形象大使等。作品受国家文物重点保护,具有极高的艺术价值与收藏价值,为全世界难得的一位脱颖而出的一代艺术大师。

Guo Qian, female, born in Dalian in 1953. Graduated from Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts,studied under Zhong Zhifu to learn aboutboneless freehand flowers and birds. (ZhongLaoyuan, a researcher of ancient paintings at theForbidden City in Beijing. He received personalteaching and guidance from famous artists suchas Qi Baishi, Huang Binhong, and Zhang Daqian),explained to Guo Qian about the art that hasbeen passed down through generations. Seeingthe rich works of famous figures throughouthistory, one can imagine their hardships andsacrifices, and also recognize their future journey. She must open up a new path that isunprecedented,"painting a beautiful futureworld". She believes she will see the dawn ahead. At this time, the road ahead is bleak, and Chinesepainting is a long-distance competition in art. Shecan only focus on studying various schools of artfrom ancient and modern times tirelessly to find away out. When studying freehand brushwork,China's reform and opening up, and the influx ofworld culture into China, Chinese painters wentabroad for exhibitions. Foreigners found itabstract and incomprehensible, but sheintegrated freehand brushwork into the beauty ofboneless painting, which conforms to thepersonal traditional style of visual formation inChina and abroad. In middle age, I was fortunateenough to receive Buddhist studies and began mydream of "painting a beautiful future world". Iused Huang Binhong's spirit of "searching for allthe peaks and sketching" to select the beautythat everyone can see and experience incontemporary times. In ancient poetry, there is adeep emotion of "I only fear the flowers fallingasleep at night, so I burn high candles toilluminate my red makeup". In contemporaryparks, people flow in and enjoy the beautifulscenery of street courtyards, flowers, trees, andtrees surrounded by changing lights. Amidst thegathering crowd's gaze, the beauty of the world'sfairyland, where the fountain water dances highand the colors change beautifully for thousandsof years, allows her to brush away the dust of theworld with her pen, showcasing the renewal ofthe country. Many of her night paintings and thelong scroll "Night Scenery, Lights, Thousand Milesof Mountains and Rivers" showcase theunprecedented social changes in the world'shistory, presenting a unique new face unique tothe high-tech era of thousands of miles ofmountains and rivers.

Guo Qian's paintings at the Olympic Games wereparticularly loved by people from all over the world fortheir aesthetic and visual appreciation, and were praisedas a unique style worldwide. He has been recognized asa top figure in various fields around the world, an artisticpeak figure, a pioneer artist in art exchange at the 2023Olympic Art Conference, a leading figure incontemporary art, one of the top ten celebrities inForbes China (Art Forbes), the artist with the greatestpotential for investment, collection and appreciation incontemporary art, a spokesperson for Chinese brand artand traditional culture, one of the top ten meritoriousfigures in the Chinese art world, a world-renowned artist,a lifelong achievement award for Chinese painting, aNobel laureate in art, a globally renowned artist in China,and a leader in Chinese culture. World class art masters,cultural and artistic leaders, official chief appointedexperts of international calligraphy and painting elites,world focal art figures, etcMy calligraphy and painting works have won awards atdomestic and international exhibitions and fairs, as wellas exhibitions showcasing calligraphy and painting worksfrom Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan that cross theTaiwan Strait. I have also participated in European tours,international art biennials, recommended artists forlarge-scale auctions in China, and exhibitions showcasingmasterpieces by renowned artists such as Guo Qian. CCTV the Belt and Road Chinese culture enters the world,People's Daily video report "Beauty and common, heartto heart connection", CCTV and People's Daily report artreview articles, calligraphy and painting works areincluded in "One Generation of Masters","ChineseArtists","People's Artists","Chinese Modern Masters","Art Masters","Chinese Art History","Big Family Style","Hundred Year Masters","World Art Yearbook","Chinese Artists Yearbook","Chinese Modern andContemporary Art Yearbook","Chinese Calligraphers andPainters Meritorious Figures","World Art Figures","Chinese Art Collection Guide","Chinese Modern andContemporary Famous Artists" Family Collection"Renmei Dahongpao Collection" and other books werepublished. Appointed as a special invited artist for theCelebrity Dictionary and a special invited consultant forthe China Celebrity Database. Invited Art EvaluationConsultant by China Calligraphy and Painting TradingRunge Evaluation Center, Art Consultant by National FirstClass Artists and Runge Evaluation Committee, InvitedArt Appraisal Consultant for State Guest Ceremony byForeign Affairs Management Center, Art Consultant bySmall and Medium sized Enterprise Cultural ProfessionalCommittee of China Enterprise Culture PromotionAssociation of the Ministry of Culture, etc. He is thecultural adviser of 53 countries of the CommonwealthInternational Organization, cultural ambassador of thethe Belt and Road, etc. The work is under the keyprotection of national cultural relics and has extremelyhigh artistic and collectible value, making it a rare andoutstanding generation of art masters in the world.

