2024 年法国巴黎奥运展中国艺术代表——吴宝民

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2024 巴黎奥运将吸引全球 40 亿双目光成为全球重大传播中心,盛大开幕式将吸引世界各国政要、体育明星、商界大鳄、各国媒体等,齐聚巴黎。2024 法国巴黎这个艺术与体育交融成辉的国际艺术之都将吸引全球的亿万目光,它也将成为 全球的焦点,更将成为世界艺术关注的中心。

Paris 2024 Olympic Games will attract 4 billion pairs of global attentionto become a major global communication center, the grand openingceremony will attract world politicians, sports stars, business tycoons, national media and so on, gathered in Paris. 2024 Paris, France, theinternational art capital of art and sports, will attract hundreds ofmillions of eyes around the world, it will also become the focus of theworld, and it will become the center of world art attention.

全球范围内征选 100 名书画名家将其相关资料及作品,邀请相关人员组成评选小组进行审定。

Worldwide collection of 100 famous painting and calligraphy will be itsrelevant information and works, inviting relevant personnel to form aselection panel for approval.In the end. As follows(如下);

吴宝民,1953 年生,江苏沛县人,大学学历,中共党员,中国作家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员,中国新艺委会客座教授,中国人民书画艺术研究院副院长,央视签约书画家。

1985 年全国乡镇文化站站长考试,江苏省人民政府录用为国家干部,曾任沛县县委宣传部新闻科科长,沛县广播电视局副局长兼县电视台台长、局党委书记,沛县文化与体育局党委书记,局长,沛县县委宣传部副部长兼县文学艺术界联合会主席、作协主席,徐州市作家协会副主席,创刊文艺杂志《百家》、兼任总编。

1976 年开始发表业余文艺作品,作品散见《人民日报》等全国报刊杂志,著有散文集《龙的故乡》《大风潮》《深深的脚窝》,长篇小说《北风秋雨》《界河》及电视连续剧《界河》等 10 余部,计 300 余万字,文学作品多次获全国奖项,2010 年荣获中国通俗文艺研究会终身成就奖。书画作品散载中国《美术》等文化艺术报刊及网络。

2011 年作品入选江苏省作家协会全国作家书画邀请展,并获“文心墨语”荣誉奖,2014、2015 年书画《太行断想》《龙凤荷》《故乡情怀》系列,先后荣获中国文化产业发展专项基金等全国文化艺术大赛金奖,2016至2018年 ,书画作品《鸭唱荷花池》入选央视书画频道展播并收藏,《五十六个民族一家亲》《共享家园》等作品先后参加中国多民族作家协会和首届中国作家协会书画院全国作品展,收藏并获奖,2019 年《为梦想远航》《五德君子》等书画作品入选人民日报海外版“展形象兼使命”中华艺术名家和“庆祝中华人民共和国成立 70 周年”全国书画联展,获《新时代书画先锋人物》荣誉称号,2020 年书画作品入选中央电视台《中国艺术榜样年鉴》,同年书画作品入选联合国非物质文化遗产保护基金会“文化中国.时代榜样”世界邮票国礼珍蔵出版发行,2021 年官方建党 100 周年,荣获德艺双馨《人民艺术家》荣誉称号,次年授予《人民书画家》荣誉称号。

2023 年 3 月中央电视台编辑《艺术传承人物》书画专集,中国文化出版社出版发行,同年 6 月 6 日巜光明日报》艺术界领军人物艺术特刊,同年 7 月中国邮政.澳门邮政.中国大众文化艺委会等联合出版发行国礼.国家名片珍藏邮册,11 月,中央电视台、中央文史研究馆联名推荐艺术家《文史载道 丹青传薪》及《央媒之声》等…100 十媒体联合发布,文学作品入藏中国当代作家代表作陈列馆,传略入载《中国作家会员词典》。

Wu Baomin, born in 1953 in Peixian County, JiangsuProvince, holds a university degree, is a member of theCommunist Party of China, a member of the Chinese WritersAssociation, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a visiting professor at the China New Art Commission, the vicepresident of the Chinese People's Academy of Calligraphy andPainting Art, and a contracted calligrapher and painter on CCTV.

In 1985, he took the national township cultural stationchief examination and was recruited by the Jiangsu ProvincialPeople's Government as a national cadre. He served as thehead of the News Department of the Propaganda Departmentof Peixian County Committee, the deputy director of PeixianRadio and Television Bureau and the director and secretary ofthe county television station, the secretary and director of thePeixian Culture and Sports Bureau, the deputy director of thePropaganda Department of Peixian County Committee and thechairman and chairman of the County Literature and ArtFederation, the vice chairman of the Xuzhou WritersAssociation, and also founded the literary magazine "HundredFamilies" and served as the editor in chief.

Starting from 1976, he began to publish amateur literaryand artistic works, which were scattered in national newspapersand magazines such as People's Daily. He has written more than10 collections of essays, including "The Hometown of theDragon," "The Great Trend," and "Deep Foot Nests," as well asnovels such as "North Wind and Autumn Rain," "BoundaryRiver," and TV series "Boundary River," totaling over 3 millionwords. His literary works have won national awards multipletimes, and in 2010, he was awarded the Lifetime AchievementAward by the Chinese Popular Literature and Art ResearchAssociation. The calligraphy and painting works are scattered inChinese cultural and artistic newspapers such as "Fine Arts" andonline.

In 2011, his works were selected for the National Writers' Calligraphy and Painting Invitational Exhibition of JiangsuWriters Association and won the "Wenxin Moyu" Honor Award.In 2014 and 2015, his calligraphy and painting series "TaihangFantasy", "Dragon and Phoenix Lotus", and "HometownSentiment" won gold medals in national cultural and artisticcompetitions such as the China Cultural Industry DevelopmentSpecial Fund. From 2016 to 2018, his calligraphy and paintingwork "Duck Singing Lotus Pond" was selected for exhibition andcollection on CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Channel. His workssuch as "56 Ethnic Groups, One Family" and "Sharing Home"participated in the National Works Exhibition of China Multiethnic Writers Association and the First China Writers' Association Calligraphy and Painting Academy, collected andwon awards. In 2019, his calligraphy and painting works such as "Sailing for Dreams" and "Five Virtue Gentlemen" were selectedfor the "Exhibition Image and Mission" of Chinese Art Mastersin the overseas edition of People's The National Calligraphy andPainting Exhibition Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of theFounding of the People's Republic of China, He was awardedthe honorary title of "Pioneer of Calligraphy and Painting in theNew Era". In 2020, his calligraphy and painting works wereselected for the "China Art Role Model Yearbook" by CCTV. Inthe same year, his calligraphy and painting works were selectedfor the "Cultural China. Role Model of the Times" world stampby the United Nations Intangible Cultural Heritage ProtectionFoundation and published. In 2021, on the official 100thanniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, he was honored with the title of "People's Artist" for his moraland artistic excellence. The following year, he was awarded thehonorary title of "People's Calligrapher and Painter".

In March 2023, CCTV edited a special collection ofcalligraphy and painting titled "Artistic Inheritance Figures",which was published and distributed by China CulturePublishing House. On June 6 of the same year, Guangming Dailypublished a special issue on leading figures in the art world. InJuly of the same year, China Post, Macao Post, and the ChinaMass Culture and Arts Committee jointly published anddistributed the National Gift and National Business CardCollection Postal Album. In November, CCTV and the CentralAcademy of Culture and History jointly recommended artistssuch as "The Transmission of Literary and Historical Works inDanqing" and "The Voice of Central Media". The literary workswere included in the exhibition hall of representative works ofcontemporary Chinese writers and circulated in the "Dictionaryof Chinese Writers Members".

画论 最是书香能致远 --评吴宝民老师国画创作

古人论画:“画如其人,文如其人,自古皆然。”吴宝民老师是位性情中人,豪爽仗义,有士人之气;于人于事,胸怀坦荡,有助于之乐;于书于画,执著真诚,有儒雅之风。他的画风正和他的品格一样,潇洒中不失淳厚,朴拙中又寓性灵。欣赏其花、其鸟、其山水,可以感悟到画家的状态,其笔势的婉媚与泼辣、飞舞与凝重,其布势的开张与内敛、疏密和跌宕,在大笔挥洒的舒卷自如之中,给人以痛快淋漓之感,显示出一吐为快的畅达。他的作品中流露出的笔情墨趣、遥接明代徐渭的气势通贯的风神,近承苦禅随缘成迹的意绪,内含缶翁以篆籀入画的苍辣浑厚,多种美学品格的融入使他的作品展示出承前启后的意义。这一切都源于他重造化的启迪,又重心源的感悟,以至于他在接受传统的同时, 总是以当代人的目光与心态冷静地审视,深刻地辨析,把传统中最优秀的精华汇聚自己的艺术体系,化作自己的创作元素,追求一种“法为我用”的随心所欲的境界。

吴宝民老师在画面中运用的线条,显得细均有力,于温婉柔和之中显现出内敛的骨力。他的形象塑造具有典型的线条勾勒的工笔画语言特征,但线条又绝不肆意夸张独立于形象的塑造之外,而是巧妙地隐显于轮廓与结构之中,有机地游刃于形象与色彩之间。他的渲染也绝不僵硬板滞,而是水色互融、淡彩慢染,并在渲染之中体现出写的笔意,从而体现了工中见写、繁中求简的艺术特色。去火、去躁、去滞、去板, 而求灵、求活、求静、求雅,则一直是他追求的艺术境界。



2021 年 8 月 11 日

